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Success Stories
Paperchemicals Division
- US$15,000.00 per month saving on the replacement of Formation Aids in a Tissue Mill.
- 90 % reduction in Paper breaks on the approach roll of Adhesive Dispenser of a Converting Plant.
- 66 % Saving on cost of Releasing Agent in a Yankee Dryer.
- Improved printability of Flexo-ink printing of a Carton Box Plant
- 50 % Cost saving for felt treatment of a Paper machine of a Corrugating Medium Plant.
- 80% reduction in Paper breaks of a Tissue Mill by introducing a stikie control program.
- 40% Cost saving of Biocide treatment in a secondary fibre Brown paper mill.
- 30 % Saving on waste water treatment chemical of a CM paper mill.
- Pin-pointing the causative agent for paper machine corrosion.
- Provide VAS of cutting-edge Tof-SIM for Tissue maker to gain access to environmental stringent EU markets.
- Optimization of Urea bio-nutrients in a WWTP by innovative TKN analysis.
Oil & Energy Division
- 14 % Saving in MFO for a Brown Paper Mill
- 18.2 % Reduction in SO2, and 18.9 % Reduction of NOx , in stack emission of a Newsprint Mill.
- 7 % MFO saving in Fuel cost of a Textile mill.
- Cost reduction in screw air compressor maintenance.
- Innovative de-scaling method for air compressor cooling compartment.
- Alternate cost effective replacement of synthetic air-compressor lubricants
Metal Finishing
- Replacement of expensive imported Stamping oil with locally blended lubricant for a foreign owned high-end ceiling manufacturer.
- Cheaper Stamping oil for an Aluminum cooling coil manufacturer.
- Chemical stripping of Epoxyl coated hangers of a Powder Coating Plant.
- Anti-rust Pre-treatment of oil stained parts.
- Cost reduction in copper milling lubricants
- Replacement of imported metal cleaners with locally manufactured specialty detergent.
- Development and formulation of a rare earth, Cesium, Testing reagent for a northern Wafer plant.
- Recovery of sucrose from discarded molasses in sugar mills
- Latex defoamer used to increase PCC composition in NR glove making.
- Palm-based surfactants used for De-inking of SWL waste Paper.
- Development of palm based lubricant additives
- Proprietary bio-penetrant to enhance biocidal efficacy of commodity biocides.
- Development of TAN (Total Acidity Number) Test Kits for spent lubricant.
- Patented ONP novelty de-inking equipment.
- Substitution of cheaper poly-acrylamide copolymer for Tissue formation.
- Super-absorbent used in Palm seeding transplant.
- Basic dye de-coloring by Nitrifying bacteria in WWTP.
- KKT Dirt Count Analyzer soft-ware
- Quantitative Anaerobic counts by differential broth method